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PHILIPS Centrale vapeur HI5900/22 5,2 bar
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Messages : 778
Date d'inscription : 22/10/2007

Anaheim Empty
MessageSujet: Anaheim   Anaheim Icon_minitimeVen 9 Nov - 22:26

Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Teemu Selänne 82 63 77 31 3750000 1
Andy McDonald 78 68 75 24 3333333 3
Rob Niedermayer 71 71 72 26 2000000 3
Dustin Penner 73 70 72 18 507000 1
Corey Perry 71 67 71 16 684000 1
Shawn Thornton 52 70 63 22 450000 1
George Parros 29 70 61 21 450000 1
Bobby Ryan 56 48 59 14 684000 3
Matt Keith 56 53 59 18 450000 1
Colby Genoway 58 50 55 17 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Todd Marchant 69 78 78 28 2470000 3
Samuel Påhlsson 65 77 74 23 650000 1
Ryan Getzlaf 74 71 73 16 900600 1
Ryan Shannon 65 60 67 18 477500 1
Mark Hartigan 64 64 66 23 450000 1
Tim Brent 58 55 59 17 526000 1
Geoff Peters 49 54 55 23 450000 1
Petteri Wirtanen 38 41 52 15 450000 3
Ryan Carter 48 44 51 18 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Mark Bell 73 74 73 21 2000000 3
Brad May 49 72 66 29 700000 1
Travis Moen 51 72 66 19 475000 1
Björn Melin 52 63 63 20 450000 1
Joe Motzko 59 55 61 21 450000 1
Trevor Gillies 28 60 53 22 450000 1
Drew Miller 52 41 49 17 450000 2
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Scott Niedermayer 82 79 82 28 6750000 3
Chris Pronger 74 84 81 26 6250000 4
Ric Jackman 70 68 70 23 800000 1
François Beauchemin 63 75 70 21 500000 1
Sean O'Donnell 42 74 68 29 1520000 1
Joe DiPenta 45 73 66 22 500000 1
Maxim Kondratiev 47 69 65 18 650000 4
Kent Huskins 35 68 63 22 450000 1
Aaron Rome 46 62 60 17 613400 1
Doug O'Brien 42 63 60 17 526000 1
They are looking for a 1st line defenseman
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Jean-Sébastien Giguère 78 80 79 24 3990000 1
Ilya Bryzgalov 73 76 75 21 1000000 2
Sébastien Caron 70 72 72 21 650000 1
Gerald Coleman 56 57 61 16 520000 2
Nathan Marsters 53 55 58 21 625800 1
David McKee 45 52 57 17 850000 1
Jean-Philippe Levasseur 44 46 52 14 608000 3
They are happy with their situation at this position
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
David Lundbohm D D C- 21 450000 0
Jason Bailey D- D C- 14 600000 0
Bryce Swan D D C- 13 600000 0
Janne Pesonen D D C- 19 450000 0
Matt Auffrey D D D 15 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Matt Christie D D C- 16 450000 0
Dirk Southern D D C- 18 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
Matt Beleskey D D C- 13 700000 0
Bobby Bolt D D C- 14 500000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
John de Gray F C- C- 13 800000 0
Kyle Klubertanz D D C- 15 450000 0
Mark Mitera D- D C- 13 800000 0
Vladimir Korsunov D- C- C- 18 450000 0
Ville Mäntymaa D D D 16 450000 0
Name OF DF OA Age Salary Contr
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